Electricity is essential for every country and every family. Solar radiation is converted directly into electricity by solar cells. Solar power systems do not require water to generate electricity, which not only does not pollute water resources, but also doesn't put a strain on the world's water supply. In addition, solar power creates jobs in clean energy to help the environment and help us all. Thus, what's the trend of the amount of solar power generation over time? This is an important question to solar power companies to understand more about the future trends and factors influencing solar energy. In addition, the gas companies would love to learn about the differences between solar power and gas to have a better understanding of potential competitors. |
Solar power works by converting energy from the sun into power. There are two forms of energy generated from the sun for our use - electricity and heat. Besides, heat can also be generated through gas. So what are the differences between the amount of solar power and gas over time? |
Both daily solar power production of solar panels and daily used gas show strong seasonality, with strong cyclic behavior with a period of about one year. However, the peaks and nadirs of daily used gas are opposite to solar power production. It seems there were more solar power production in summers and less in winters, which means that warm days are likely to produce more solar power. On the contrary, more gas were used in winters, mainly because people used more gas to produce heat and keep warm in winters. |
Among diffenert weather indicators, the fluctuation of humidity has the most amplitude and pressure has the least. An amazing finding is that rain has no effect on the amount of solar power generation, probably because solar panels are waterproof, and rain could wash off some of the dirt of the panels. In addition, wind has positive effect on solar panels' energy production that wind can increase the amount of solar power generation, and the reason may be that wind could help keeping panels cool and reducing humidity. |
Why the prices of solar power are all time low and the prices of gas are rising? The main reason is that the amount of solar power generation is much larger than gas. According to the relation between supply and demand, the prices of solar power are lower than gas. |